Introducing Upto11, a renowned five-piece rock band hailing from Kingston upon Hull. Our inception took place in early 2023, featuring a daring experiment with an unfamiliar and untested vocalist. The drummer, guitarist, and Keyboard/Sax player originate from the active band "Hayleys Comets," while the accomplished bassist has returned to the music scene to perform with Upto11. Right from our initial band rehearsal, we recognised a distinct chemistry, enabling us to unite and recreate our unique renditions of timeless rock classics spanning from the 1960s to the present day. Setting ourselves apart, we are more than just a typical rock band—we revel in experimentation, infusing nostalgia with our own innovative twist!
As a rock band, the name "Up to 11" was inspired by a legendary moment in rock music history. It pays homage to a classic scene from the cult film "This Is Spinal Tap," a mockumentary that humorously portrayed the ups and downs of a fictional rock band. In the film, the band's lead guitarist proudly explains that their amplifiers are unique because they "go to 11" instead of the standard maximum volume of 10. This iconic scene became a symbol of rock music's unbridled energy, pushing the boundaries of loudness and intensity.
Our band adopted the name "Up to 11" as a tribute to that moment, embracing the spirit of pushing limits and rocking with unparalleled power. It signifies our commitment to delivering an electrifying and immersive live experience, where our music takes on a life of its own, cranked up to the maximum level. "Up to 11" embodies the notion of exceeding expectations, capturing the essence of rock 'n' roll in all its raw, unapologetic glory.
With this name, we aim to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact, delivering performances that are not just heard but felt. It symbolises our band's dedication to taking rock music to its highest level, unapologetically unleashing a sonic assault that resonates with fans and ignites their passion for rock music.
First live attempt.
Exclusive preview of our vocalist's latest rendition recording
Exclusive preview of our vocalist's latest rendition recording
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